Hello Cyril,

the participants.xsl can be really simple:

<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="..">

<xsl:include href="participantsYOURDEFAULTLANGUAGE.xsl"/>


Replacing YOURDEFAULTLANGUAGE with EN or FR you can choose the default language of the application. And the above stylesheet is really not difficult to maintain.

But maybe there is such a fallback operation in the input modules too?



Cyril Vidal wrote:
Hi Christian,

Thanks again very much for your help.
I've tested what you suggested me (a good idea...) and it works fine:

But, as I read in Cocoon center's lesson about request parameter:
Some advantages of RequestSelector over a RequestParamAction are that

         you can use a default stylesheet when the parameter is not present,

and in my example, when I point the browser for the first time to

of course, because I not have participants.xsl among my stylesheets but
juste participantsFR.xsl and particpantsEN.xsl,  Cocoon generates an
error...(In fact, I've added another particpants.xsl styleshhet to fix the
problem, but it also requires to build another stylesheet...). Or is there
another simplest solution?

Regarding the original question, I believe the "use-request-parameters"
configuration needs to go into the configuration section and not into
the pipeline.

IN the same lesson, it's said apparently that we can:
I've tested it in another example and it seemed to work.

 In addition, you would not neet the next

 <map:parameter name="tri" value="{critere}"/>
becasue *all* parameters are available. Besides, "{critere}" is
undefined at this place since the selector does not set any sitemap
variables. For this you would need either the input module syntax above
or an action that sets a variable.

...I'm sorry, but I'm afraid not to understand very well what you're trying
to explain to me...
How can I mix an action and a select?

Thanks for your help,

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