Dear all,

I would like to process an URI of the following type:

The first parameter's role is to select a specified stylesheet:
langue=anglais -> select participantsEN.xslt
langue=francais -> select participantsFR.xslt

while parameter 'critere' is used to pass a parameter to the selectionned

If I only take care about the parameter 'langue', the following code's
snippet using RequestSelector works fine:
<map:match pattern="">

<map:generate src="documents/participants.xml"/>

<map:select type="request">

<map:parameter name="parameter-name" value="langue"/>

<map:when test="francais">

<map:transform src="stylesheets/participantsFR.xsl">



<map:when test="anglais">

<map:transform src="stylesheets/participantsEN.xsl"/>



<map:transform src="stylesheets/participantsFR.xsl"/>



<map:serialize type="html"/>


But When I want to deal with the second parameter too, (by adding the
following instructions):

<map:parameter name="use-request-parameters" value="true"/>

<map:parameter name="tri" value="{critere}"/>

 I have some problems, indeed I receive no error messag but nothing is

I use the the following code:

<map:match pattern="">

<map:generate src="documents/participants.xml"/>

<map:select type="request">

<map:parameter name="parameter-name" value="langue"/>

<map:when test="francais">

<map:transform src="stylesheets/participantsFR.xsl">

<map:parameter name="use-request-parameters" value="true"/>

<map:parameter name="tri" value="{critere}"/>






I'm sure the XSLT works well , so I guess the sitemap' syntax ins't good.

Can someone help me, please?

Thannks in advance,


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