Hy, Bertrand

short answer: join the party of course!

long answer:

when we want to count on newbies efforts they should be given
instant access: edit deploy, online. this is what wiki does.
hence i would consider the work on the cocoon documentation
as secnd step towards the ultimate documentation set.
this should be done as proposed from the cocoon wiki by
assimilating the wiki into the cocoon docs step by step...
I would like to help there too sometime...

when i started with cocoon i also took a look at "JSPWiki", which
powers the cocoon wiki. In the first place i could not figure out,
how to set up this wiki with different layouts or even how to
create different sections with different start pages.
This may be possible somehow, but would possibly generate
additional work *before* starting.

What about the following idea:

set up 2nd Wiki in the same domain (parallel to the cocoon-wiki)
dedicated to the newbies. this would come close to my thoughts
but would not force us to start with work on the infrastructure.
instead just deploy JSPWiki a secnd time, use different layout,
interlink the two wikis, start ...

regards, hussayn

Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:
Hi Hussayn,

I mostly agree with your point of view, except on the "separate wiki" thing. (And by the way, thanks a lot for your "less talking, more doing" approach!)

What worries me *a lot* with starting yet another documentation site is the dispersion of resources - wouldn't it be much more efficient to have you, Derek and possibly others joing the (mythical) Cocoon docs team with the aim of creating these newbies docs?

See also http://wiki.cocoondev.org/Wiki.jsp?page=CocoonDocsPlan, I think your concept can fit nicely into this.

I'm convinced that it is possible to create the "newbies competence center" that you mention *inside* the existing wiki - a well-designed start page and navigation should help newbies find their way.

Maybe this needs some improvements to the existing wiki system, to help newbies find pages that are targeted for them, namely:

a) Being able to search the wiki for "NCC pages only" or "everything" so that newbies are not distracted by deep technical discussions.

b) Being able to clearly label pages as being part of the NCC, different color, icons or something.

This might well be possible with JSPwiki, maybe by writing some kind of extension? We need to ask Steven or the JSPWiki folks if you think this is worth studying.

What do you think?
Join the party, or throw yet another one? :-)


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Dr. Hussayn Dabbous
SAXESS Software Design GmbH
Neuenhöfer Allee 125
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Telefon: +49-221-56011-0
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