Hi Bertrand,
     Is it possible for you to correct the tutorial you have
authored at www.cocooncenter.de and perhaps moved it over to
Wiki as one of the beginners tutorial?  The correction is to
change matcher from WildcardURIMatcherFactory to
WildcardURIMatcher, perhaps it has the Factory name in the class
on the older version but newer builts can't find this. Also it
seems the newer built does not have mount dir below cocoon (not
on 2.1-dev) anymore so that may need to be modified too.  I was
going to copy and paste or put a link in the Wiki, but I decided
to ask you first. Thanks.

--- Bertrand Delacretaz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Steven Noels wrote:
> > Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:
>  >. . .
> >> 3) MUST clearly identify these docs as being "for
> beginners" and 
> >> "reviewed by an editor of the Cocoon team" to prevent
> beginners from 
> >> getting lost in obsolete/unreliable docs
> > 
> > 
> > That might warrant a different Wiki instance for these docs
> since this 
> > breaks the fundamental 'uncategorization-ness' of Wikis...
> or we would 
> > have to hack JSPWiki. A Wiki doesn't know 'sections', or it
> ain't a true 
> > Wiki...
> (TWiki does subfolders by the way, very useful sometimes)
> I was thinking more of something driven by "metadata", maybe
> simply 
> adding some name-value pairs at the end of the wiki text,
> something like:
> TARGET-AUDIENCE: beginners
> REVIEWED-BY: [EMAIL PROTECTED], Tuesday January 28th,
> 2003
> COCOON-RELEASES: 2.0.1, 2.0.4
> Which might be enough by itself by the way, but if this could
> translate 
> to cool-looking icons or different page backgrounds on the
> wiki it would 
> be very nice, and maybe not that hard to hack. JSPWiki
> supports plugins 
> I think, so maybe there is an easy way.
>  >. . .
>  >> 5) MUST allow all wiki docs (these and existing ones) to
> be 
> searchable simultaneously. . .
>  >
>  > If we really want to be sophisticted, someone might build a
> webapp with
>  > Lucene and have that deployed on search.cocoondev.org, fed
> with a
>  > collection of Cocoon-specific URIs
>  >
> Not needed if the beginner's wiki docs are stored on the
> existing wiki - 
> they will be searchable simultaneously.
> -Bertrand
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