On Monday 27 January 2003 17:14, Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:
> Hi Hussayn,
> I mostly agree with your point of view, except on the "separate wiki"
> thing. (And by the way, thanks a lot for your "less talking, more doing"
> approach!)
> What worries me *a lot* with starting yet another documentation site is
> the dispersion of resources - wouldn't it be much more efficient to have
> you, Derek and possibly others joing the (mythical) Cocoon docs team
> with the aim of creating these newbies docs?
> See also http://wiki.cocoondev.org/Wiki.jsp?page=CocoonDocsPlan, I think
> your concept can fit nicely into this.
> I'm convinced that it is possible to create the "newbies competence
> center" that you mention *inside* the existing wiki - a well-designed
> start page and navigation should help newbies find their way.

Maybe I am a real idiot, but shouldn't the Cocoon Documentation be published 
by Cocoon (it IS a publishing framework) itself upon installation??? This 
already happens, but we all agree it falls short to point the newcomer in the 
right direction. But still, the pointer must be where the newcomer looks 
first, among the docs that come with the download (or am I the only one 
starting there?).

Wiki is fine for "loose" and quickly changing documents, somewhere between 
Stefano's (and others) "Random Thoughts" on mailing lists and proper 
documentation efforts.

If Hussyan, Derek and whoelse are really serious about this (which we ALL pray 
they are), crank up the first XML doc, submit it to cocoon-dev, and you have 
committer status in no time, because;
1. Developers hate to apply patches and files submitted by email.
2. Developers LOVE people dedicated to documentation.

And this is especially true on cocoon-dev ;o)

So, what I suggest, is a new "first page" of Cocoon, which basically is a 
level above the current one, and spawns off into 4-6 lower levels, depending 
on the users background and interest;
1) Newbie's Guide to Killer App.
2) User's Manual
3) User's Reference
4) Architecture
5) Developer's Guide to Killer App.

Or something like that.

My 0.02 ringgit, about 0.5 cent.


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