Hello Cyril,

Cyril Vidal wrote:

If some of you would have some tips for these two questions, I would be very

1°) Under Cocoon 2.0.4 and Windows 2000:
 I use a i18n Transformer (with french and english dictionnaries), and all's
working fine with elements' translation. But not for attributes.
I have basicaly a HTML form with a submit button.
As described in the Cocoon's doc, I write the following in my stylesheet to
be translated:
<input TYPE="submit" NAME="submit" i18n:attr="value"/>

and in my French dictionary:
<message key="value">Soumettre la requête</message>

in my English dictionary:

<message key="value">Submit the request</message>

WHen I call http://localhost:8080/cocoon/tutoriel?locale=fr, I can see the
correct value of the button, ie: 'Soumettre la requête'.
But when I call english translation with
http://localhost:8080/cocoon/tutoriel?locale=en, I still obtain the same
french message, although I've specified the english version for this
button's value in the english dictionary.
Could it have to handle with the xerces's bug described in the doc??
No, it works a bt different with attributes. In i18n:attr="..." you specify the attributes, that shell be translated. You have "value" in your above example, but there is no attribute "value", only "TYPE" and "NAME". So change it to i18n:attr="NAME" to get the value of the attribute "NAME" translated or add an attribute "value", which is used for the text on the button AFAIK. Furthermore the value of the attribute to translate is the key (above example: NAME="submit" => key = "submit"). This key must be used in the dictionary (=> <message key="submit"/>).
With the Xerces bug you won't get anything as output I think. At least you would have a stack trace in the log files.

2°)  In my styleshhet, I've got a second hidden input area.

For each one, I have to use i18n:attr="value" in the sitemap and
<message key="value">Some text</message> in the dictionary, I want to
internationalise both (That's I want to do precisely...).

So, Is it possible to make a difference between them?



<a href="?locale=fr"><i18n:text>choix_langue_fr</i18n:text></a> | <a

<input type="hidden" name="locale" value="fr"/> //First attribute value to
internationalise => fr in french and en in english
Knowing the above at 1° this is no longer a problem:

<input type="hidden" name="locale" value="locale" i18n:attr="value"/>
-----------this is the key----------------^^^^^^
<message key="locale">en</message> (or fr in the french dictionary)

<fieldset class="etiquette" style="padding: 10px; font-weight:bold;
font-family:'Comic Sans MS'; color: #1E94D3 ; border: outset 5px;">


<input TYPE="radio" NAME="tri"

<input TYPE="radio" NAME="tri"

<input TYPE="radio" NAME="tri"

<input TYPE="radio" NAME="tri"



<input TYPE="submit" NAME="submit" i18n:attr="value"/> //Second attribute
ton internationalise: Soumettre la requête in French Submit the request in
Same here:
<input TYPE="submit" NAME="submit" value="submit" i18n:attr="value"/>

<message key="submit">Soumettre la requête</message>


thanks in advance for your repsnses,




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