Hello Joerg,

Thank you very much for your response.
I think I've done what you told me.
in my stylesheet:

<input type="submit" name="submit" i18n:attr="name"/>

and in my dictionaries
<message key="submit">Soumettre la requête</message>


<message key="submit">Submit the request</message>

But unfortunately (I've stopped and restarded Tomcat), I always have the
same french message on the button, even when I ask for the english version!

Did I still make something wrong?



> Hello Cyril,
> Cyril Vidal wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > If some of you would have some tips for these two questions, I would be
> > grateful:
> >
> > 1°) Under Cocoon 2.0.4 and Windows 2000:
> >  I use a i18n Transformer (with french and english dictionnaries), and
> > working fine with elements' translation. But not for attributes.
> > I have basicaly a HTML form with a submit button.
> > As described in the Cocoon's doc, I write the following in my stylesheet
> > be translated:
> > <input TYPE="submit" NAME="submit" i18n:attr="value"/>
> >
> > and in my French dictionary:
> > <message key="value">Soumettre la requête</message>
> >
> > in my English dictionary:
> >
> > <message key="value">Submit the request</message>
> >
> > WHen I call http://localhost:8080/cocoon/tutoriel?locale=fr, I can see
> > correct value of the button, ie: 'Soumettre la requête'.
> > But when I call english translation with
> > http://localhost:8080/cocoon/tutoriel?locale=en, I still obtain the same
> > french message, although I've specified the english version for this
> > button's value in the english dictionary.
> > Could it have to handle with the xerces's bug described in the doc??
> No, it works a bt different with attributes. In i18n:attr="..." you
> specify the attributes, that shell be translated. You have "value" in
> your above example, but there is no attribute "value", only "TYPE" and
> "NAME". So change it to i18n:attr="NAME" to get the value of the
> attribute "NAME" translated or add an attribute "value", which is used
> for the text on the button AFAIK. Furthermore the value of the attribute
> to translate is the key (above example: NAME="submit" => key =
> "submit"). This key must be used in the dictionary (=> <message
> key="submit"/>).
> With the Xerces bug you won't get anything as output I think. At least
> you would have a stack trace in the log files.
> > 2°)  In my styleshhet, I've got a second hidden input area.
> >
> > For each one, I have to use i18n:attr="value" in the sitemap and
> > <message key="value">Some text</message> in the dictionary, I want to
> > internationalise both (That's I want to do precisely...).
> >
> > So, Is it possible to make a difference between them?
> >
> >
> > <b><i18n:text>choix</i18n:text></b>
> >
> > <a href="?locale=fr"><i18n:text>choix_langue_fr</i18n:text></a> | <a
> > href="?locale=en"><i18n:text>choix_langue_en</i18n:text></a>
> >
> > <input type="hidden" name="locale" value="fr"/> //First attribute value
> > internationalise => fr in french and en in english
> Knowing the above at 1° this is no longer a problem:
> <input type="hidden" name="locale" value="locale" i18n:attr="value"/>
> -----------this is the key----------------^^^^^^
> dictionary:
> <message key="locale">en</message> (or fr in the french dictionary)
> > <fieldset class="etiquette" style="padding: 10px; font-weight:bold;
> > font-family:'Comic Sans MS'; color: #1E94D3 ; border: outset 5px;">
> >
> > <legend><i18n:text>trier</i18n:text></legend>
> >
> > <input TYPE="radio" NAME="tri"
> > VALUE="nom"><i18n:text>boutonNom</i18n:text></input>
> >
> > <input TYPE="radio" NAME="tri"
> > VALUE="prénom"><i18n:text>boutonPrenom</i18n:text></input>
> >
> > <input TYPE="radio" NAME="tri"
> > VALUE="titre"><i18n:text>boutonTitre</i18n:text></input>
> >
> > <input TYPE="radio" NAME="tri"
> > VALUE="organisme"><i18n:text>boutonOrganisme</i18n:text></input>
> >
> > </fieldset>
> >
> > <br/>
> >
> > <input TYPE="submit" NAME="submit" i18n:attr="value"/> //Second
> > ton internationalise: Soumettre la requête in French Submit the request
> > English
> Same here:
> <input TYPE="submit" NAME="submit" value="submit" i18n:attr="value"/>
> dictionary:
> <message key="submit">Soumettre la requête</message>
> > </FORM>
> >
> > thanks in advance for your repsnses,
> >
> > Best,
> >
> > Cyril.
> Regards
> Joerg
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