Thanks for the answer. Good speach. I saw you now as a Cocoon fan! :-)
You finally saw the light at the end of the pipeline. ;-)

Best Regards,

Antonio Gallardo.

Robert Simmons dijo:
> Actually I'm an EJB specialist and I don't generally work on projects
> conducive to web interfaces. The complexity level of the stuff I do is
> too high. (Pharmaceutical industry and genetic research). My customers
> generally require a higher range of functionality than a web interface
> can provide.
> That being said, I do, however, do some web work which is why I took up
> the idea of cocoon. I use the same technique that I use for GUI
> programming. Basically a command centric architecture. I hate to say
> "struts is for amateurs" but it kind of is. It has low complexity and
> thus low
> functionality. It also has high cost in terms of content delivery and
> maintenance costs. I personally chose to avoid all that and let Java
> objects do all the work and let the framework just concentrate on
> presentation. Enter cocoon.
> My programs consist of allot of specially designed generators that
> generate pure data. Then I use XSLT to translate that into the
> appropriate media. I also use XSLT to output the forms though I am
> experimenting with reflexive techniques that I have used in GUI
> applications to make generation of forms be based on reflexive command
> analysis.
> Frameworks like struts mix functionality with presentation, which IMHO
> is a very bad thing. Its a high maintenance cost solution with a low
> development cost. That is the wrong way around. To be professional you
> want high development cost and low maintenance cost. This causes your
> feature turn around, post release, to be much faster. Since you are able
> to react quickly to the demands of your users, your company or customers
> win. The guy that slapped it together with low development costs may
> make some sales coming out the door, but will bleed customers as they
> seek more stable solutions with faster turn-around time for new features
> and fault correction.
> I guess that is a long way of saying, "put all your work into the back
> end." Cocoon is perfect for this because you can develop custom
> generators to deliver data and let a web designer with a couple weeks of
> training worry about the XSLT translation. In the meantime your valuable
> programmer resources are implementing new features and stabilizing the
> product.
> Well that's my opinion on the matter.
> -- Robert
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Antonio Gallardo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 11:48 PM
> Subject: Re: cocoon & struts together
>> Robert Simmons dijo:
>> > I dont think that using struts would be useful within an efficient
>> cocoon site. Cocoon takes another approach to web development that
>> is, in my opinion, superior to the jsp/struts approach.
>> Thanks for the comment. I was trying to start learning about this
>> stuff.
>> As a bean specialist (a book writer) what tools you recommend to
>> manage all the beans stuff (creation, changes, etc.)
>> Thanks for the comments.
>> Antonio Gallardo
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