Title: RE: newbies : problem with sitemap.xmap

> Starting service Tomcat-Standalone
> Apache Tomcat/4.1.12-LE-jdk14
> java.lang.RuntimeException: Fatal: Errors in XSLT transformation:
> Warning: File
> jar:file:/C:/etango/tomcat/webapps/cocoonsamples/WEB-INF/lib/cocoo
> n-2.0.4.jar!/org/apache/cocoon/components/language/markup/site
> map/java/sitem
> ap.xsl;
> Line 1817; Column 34;
> [Logicsheet processor] Attribute 'type' missing in dynamic
> tag <map:match>
This particular error happens because you didn't define a "default" value on <map:matchers ...> AND you didn't specifiy a type on <map:match>.  Fix one or both and this error will go away (though it seems you have several overlapping problems).  If you haven't fixed this yet, write back with a specific error.


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