joni santoso wrote:
1. I tried to overlap several images (please see the fo file below). I want to make images gigi1.jpg and gl.jpg overlapped. However, it seems that it is not doable. Is it?
There are at least two possiblities:
- absolutely positioned block-containers
- put the images in two adjacent table cells and make
  the first cell narrow so that the image within overflows
  into the next cell.

(Sorry if this question may actually be fit to ask in fop-user but maybe anyone here knows it).
Fop-user would be a better place.

2. I have this fo file that works fine but when I put this onto cocoon the pictures don't show up. What's wrong? The images and the fo file are in the same directory. However, I don't map any of these images just the fo file.
You probably need to set the baseDir for FOP. Look it up
in the documentation for the fo2pdf serializer.


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