This sounds good.
As you suggest the "java:" prefix can be used for instantiating JavaBeans.
For all other cases though, I was hoping to reuse the standard
This will immediately allow support for a lot of different sources.
Here is a snippet from the Sitemap document.
(I wish there was one discussing just SourceResolvers.)

a.. Use http://foo/bar to merge in xml content via http protocol, received
from machine foo.
a.. Use context://servlet-context-path/foo/bar to merge in xml content from
the servlet context.
a.. Use cocoon:/current-sitmap-pipeline/foo/bar to merge in xml content from
the current sitemap. The appropriate pipeline is selected matching
a.. Use cocoon://root-sitmap-pipeline/foo/bar to merge in xml content from
the root sitemap. The appropriate pipeline is selected matching
a.. Use resource://class-path-context/foo/bar to merge in xml content from
the classpath.
a.. Use jar:!/foo/bar to merge in xml content
coming from a jar via http connection.
a.. Use file:///foo/bar to merge in xml content from the filesystem.
a.. Use xmldb:<your driver here>:// to merge in
xml content from a XML:DB compliant database.
a.. Depending on your setup you may use nfs:, jndi: protocols, too.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Josema Alonso" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Cocoon-Users" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, February 14, 2003 7:07 AM
Subject: extending XMLForms for different kinds of models...opinions?

> Dear all,
> I need your suggestions and opinions in extending the current XMLForm
> approach. If you use XMLForm or are thinking about using it soon, I'd
> suggest youy to read this message and send some feedback to the list.
> Some days ago, and with some ideas I exchanged with Ivelin, I made a
> that should help users on using XMLForm with Xindice for storing XML
> It is at Wiki ( and
> made its way into the CVS a few days ago.
> In this how-to I explored new ways of storing the form model. This new way
> the XML model is stored in a file in the system with an empty structure.
> Then it is loaded into a JXPath Container and manipulated from there. The
> getFormModel() is overriden so you don't need a Bean, but just the file.
> Ivelin thought this could be a great addition to the framework, so we were
> discussing how to make this available for the end user.
> We exchanged some ideas and they led us to incorporating some mechanism to
> the sitemap. We were thinking about a prefix. This way, passing the model
> parameter to the form would be like this:
>     <map:parameter name="xmlform-model" value="java:MyBean"/>
> The 'java:' prefix would be used for java models. If you would like to use
> the pure XML model approach you could do something like:
>     <map:parameter name="xmlform-model" value="xml:MyDocument"/>
> Of course, one of the approaches could be made the default one so this
> make life easier for most used models declaring them implicit:
>     <map:parameter name="xmlform-model" value="MyModel"/>
> I hope I explained it clearly. Now I need your feedback. I'd like to know
> this make sense to you and if so, we should decide which of the two
> approaches should be the implicit one, so the AbstractXMLFormAction would
> modified accordingly.
> Maybe some of you would prefer to see it implemented but having the java
> models as the implicit ones, so you won't need to change your working
> xmlforms in order to use it in the future 2.1. If you feel that way,
> say so.
> Best,
> Josema.
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