On 14.Feb.2003 -- 02:07 PM, Josema Alonso wrote:


> In this how-to I explored new ways of storing the form model. This new way
> the XML model is stored in a file in the system with an empty structure.
> Then it is loaded into a JXPath Container and manipulated from there. The
> getFormModel() is overriden so you don't need a Bean, but just the file.
> Ivelin thought this could be a great addition to the framework, so we were
> discussing how to make this available for the end user.
> We exchanged some ideas and they led us to incorporating some mechanism to
> the sitemap. We were thinking about a prefix. This way, passing the model
> parameter to the form would be like this:
>     <map:parameter name="xmlform-model" value="java:MyBean"/>
> The 'java:' prefix would be used for java models. If you would like to use
> the pure XML model approach you could do something like:
>     <map:parameter name="xmlform-model" value="xml:MyDocument"/>


I wonder if it would be easier and cleaner to have different actions
depending on the model (e.g. bean / dom) like you demonstrate on the
wiki page or at least two different parameters for specifying the
model. Automagic is fine but hiding the information whether it is a
class to instantiate or a source to read seems to be wrong IMO.

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