On 03.Mar.2003 -- 06:43 PM, Samuel Bruce wrote:
> Thanks for responding and sorry for the ambiguity of
> my post. Your reply was helpful.
> The parameters that I am referring to are request
> parameters sent from a post in an HTML form to a
> pipeline in my sitemap. That pipeline has a mod-db
> action. 
> I'd like to capture one of the input parameters from
> the form to be available as a parameter in an XSLT 
> transformer after that input parameter has been used
> by the mod-db action.
> Is it possible? My interpretation of your response
> along with the behavior that I see is that the request
> parameter is consumed by the mod-db action.

This is absolutely possible! Request parameter are read-only and are
not removed after reading them. BTW none of the input modules removes
a value. Conceptually, they are only for reading values, not modifying
state. Although this is not enforced, all current ones obey this

You can verify that the parameter is still there for example by using
the request generator in the same pipeline as you have the action.

If you can't make it work, include the pipeline and your xsl file
(head and template that uses the parameter).

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