i'm a newbie cocoon2 developer who is trying to create a map:resource for
commonly-used pipelines for use with my XMLForms.  apparently (here, my
newbie status
begins to show prominently ;-), you can send map:parameters to map:resources
quite easily via map:call (i've done this quite a bit already).  also, i
think you can even use map:actions within a map:resource.  however, i can
not dynamically load a map:action (which is the controller bean) within my
map:resource like so:

<map:resource name="my-xmlform">
   <map:act type="{target}">

do "map:act" types have to be declared statically (i.e., a static value for
"type")?  or, is this a bug?  or, is this a design choice (for security
reasons, etc.)?  perhaps, this is a bad way of going about this.  i suppose
i could write a more generic action and have it do what i want, but i
thought it would be good to know why i can't do this.


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