Ha, you're one step closer to the solution.
If you want a quick solution: here it is :

Open the /resources/entities/office.dtd file
Remove all the entries from it, making it a completely empty file

Retry, and it will work !!

I got to that point yesterday too ...
But now I'm in the <map:aggregate> to get the multiple entries out again, and 
I have new errors.

> On Fri, 14 Mar 2003 10:29:42 +0100
> Yves Vindevogel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Yury,
> >
> > I've been searching on this problem for some days now.  And I'm close to
> > finding a solution.
> >
> > Problem is that the jar: protocol doesn't talk to cocoon, you must
> > include real path names.
> >
> > Upayavira, somebody on this group, gave me a hint to this problem.  You
> > must include the dtd in your resourses/entities and add some lines to
> > your catalog file
> >
> > -- this is the default OASIS catalog for Apache Cocoon --
> >
> >
> > -- Open Office DTDs --
> > PUBLIC "-//OpenOffice.org//DTD OfficeDocument 1.0//EN" "office.dtd"
> > PUBLIC "-//OpenOffice.org//DTD Manifest 1.0//EN" "Manifest.dtd"
> >
> >
> > I then had the problem solved with the DTD in the wrong place, but I got
> > other errors.   I'm now correcting them.  I got it working once, with a
> > testfile, but I got new errors with other files.  Now looking into them.
> >
> > I hope to have a method this in half a day.  And I will post it then, off
> > course.....
> >
> > > But I get the another error:
> > > Exception during processing of
> > > jar:http://localhost/implements/sxw/test.sxw!/content.xml
> > > java.io.FileNotFoundException:
> > > JAR entry office.dtd not found in
> > > /usr/local/jakarta/catalina-4.1.12/temp/jar_cache50849.tmp
> > >
> > > Why cocoon seek the DTD in the another way in my case?
> Thanks for your help, Yves. You right, I got other errors also, like:
> org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException:
> Failed to execute pipeline.:
> org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: A '(' character or an element type is
> required in the declaration of element type "draw:text-box".
> Also, I put the following files into the resourses/entities:
> chart.mod     drawing.mod  form.mod  nmspace.mod  script.mod    style.mod 
> text.mod datastyl.mod  dtypes.mod   meta.mod  office.mod   settings.mod 
> table.mod

Met vriendelijke groeten,
Kind regards,
Bien à vous,

Yves Vindevogel

Kempische Steenweg 206  --  3500 Hasselt  --  Belgium
Phone/Fax: +32 (11) 43.55.76  --  Mobile: +32 (478) 80.82.91
Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  --  www.implements.be

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