This probably will be a short-lived "thing" - I might be tempted
to switch off the file upload for a while - if you don't mind the
admin then key files could be routed through you in the iterim.
If it does not improve, then yes, block the IP addresses or
ask folk to register in order to make changes...
Maybe you could also make certain key pages eg. Main, limited
to a few folk to change & have an email where people can suggest
to the maintainer any changes they want made.... clumsy,
and not in the spirit of wiki, but .....

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 14/03/2003 03:46:51 >>>

while briefly checking the Wiki, I was confronted with some apparent
abuse: people uploading attachments which don't have much to do with
Cocoon (possibly just making benefit of the bandwidth we are
sponsoring), people playing around on certain non-Sandbox pages, even to
the extreme of erasing the Main page, and various other not-so-funny
things. I'm very happy to see some people go in and correct, and the new
'restore latest version' feature of JSPWiki sure helps with this.

Nevertheless, I'm annoyed a bit by the lack of adult behaviour by some
IP addresses, and was wondering whether (and how) I should block them. I
know this sounds pretty harsh, and that's why I'm polling you guys to
see what you would think would be a fair policy.

I know, thanks to the Power Of Wiki, everybody can come in and make the
Wiki a self-healing thing, but still I'm worried that someone will come
and add image links to some nasty p0rn images, and that this will scare
off our regular community.

Your thoughts, please: what kind of policy would you come up with, or
are willing to live up to?


Steven Noels                  
Outerthought - Open Source, Java & XML Competence Support Center
Read my weblog at  
stevenn at                stevenn at

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