On Wed, 26 Mar 2003, Neil Davies wrote:

> Apologies if this has been answered previously but I'm a relative
> newbie to Cocoon2.
> I have a structured text file which is exported from a database
> (non SQL, a complete mess so there's no chance of using standard xsl
> logic to extract data) and need to convert it into ead-xml.
> I am trying to see if I am capable of doing this using a
> TextParserGenerator to get it into an XML format that I can manipulate
> into ead. Unfortunately I keep getting the following Internal Server
> Error:
> type fatal
> message Error in sitemap configuration : 
> org.apache.cocoon.generation.TextParserGenerator
> description
> org.apache.avalon.framework.configuration.ConfigurationException: Error
> in sitemap configuration :
> org.apache.cocoon.generation.TextParserGenerator
> sender org.apache.cocoon.servlet.CocoonServlet
> source Cocoon servlet
> Here's the bulk of the sitemap:
> <map:sitemap xmlns:map="http://apache.org/cocoon/sitemap/1.0";>
>     <map:components>
>       <map:generators default="file">
>             <map:generator name="textparser"
>                      src="org.apache.cocoon.generation.TextParserGenerator"/>
>         </map:generators>
>         -- other components --
>     </map:components>
>     <map:pipelines>
>         <map:pipeline>
>             <map:match pattern="">
>                 <map:generate src="documents/et6766.txt" type="textparser">
>                   <map:parameter name="grammar" value="ead.grm"/>
>                   <map:parameter name="includeignorabletokens" value="false"/>
>                 </map:generate>
>                 <map:serialize type="xml"/>
>             </map:match>
>         </map:pipeline>
>     </map:pipelines>
> </map:sitemap>
> If the grammer file would be helpful I'll post it, but I'll try and keep this 
> minimal for now.

Is there a detailed exception in the logs under WEB-INF/logs/*.log ?
(Perhaps you must set the log level higher)

With this exception I can only draw the conclusion, that the generator
have problems with the configuration within the components section.


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