thanks, ugo.

i finally ended up doing the same exact thing as you.  i was just hoping it
would be possible to refer to other (sibling or ancestor) objects in my
validation assertion.  not a huge problem.  i simply edited my
"xmlform-to-html.xsl" to reflect the fact that the error violation has an
attribute of ref='' instead of ref='/password'.


-----Original Message-----
From: Ugo Cei
Sent: 3/27/03 1:51 AM
Subject: Re: XMLForm Schematron question

Delis, Christopher E. wrote:
> i take it back!  it still doesn't work =-(
> i keep getting "Passwords do not match!" errors...

I'm currently using the following:

<rule context="/">
   <assert test="string(password1) = string(password2)">
     Passwords do not match.

Ugo Cei - Consorzio di Bioingegneria e Informatica Medica
P.le Volontari del Sangue, 2 - 27100 Pavia - Italy
Phone: +39.0382.525100 - E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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