Hi Keith,

are you using eclipse 2.1 or 2.0.1. It should be 2.1.

Have a look in the eclipse .log file. Are there any errors about


Lyall, Keith wrote:
> Hi,
> I downloaded the sunBow zip file and extracted it to my Eclipse
> directory but it doesn't seem to have been picked up.
> I am using Eclipse v2.01.
> Any suggestions?
> Keith.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Martin Dulisch [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 28 March 2003 09:02
> Subject: [ANN] sunBow 1.0
> The S&N sunBow team are proud to announce version 1.0. This free
> version is available immediately for download at:
> http://radio.weblogs.com/0108489/. In addition to numerous
> the new version now also supports sub-sitemaps and no longer
> a licence key.
> sunBow is a collection of Eclipse (2.1) plugins that make it easier
> develop Cocoon based applications and XML solutions in general.
>   * XML editor
>     - completition proposals from associated schema
>     - well formed check on save
>     - automatic insertion of closing tags
>     - formatting of the XML content
>   * XSLT development
>     - XSLT transformation
>     - transformation trace
>   * Cocoon
>     - dialog orientated sitemap editor with drag and drop support
>       and validation against a sitemap schema
>     - management of sitemap fragments
>     - configuration of the log level in logkit.xconf
>   * Web application
>     - deployment: automatic tracking of changes
>     - testing: Apache Latka tests can be executed
> Regards
> Martin Dulisch
> -------------------------------------------------
> s&n AG, Open Source Competence Center
>                     Tel.: 05251/1581-75
> Klingenderstr. 5    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> D-33100 Paderborn   http://www.s-und-n.de
> -------------------------------------------------
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
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