How does cocoon handle caching of xsp pages with esql tags? It seems to me that cocoon would have to generate the xml output of the xsp page every time the page is called, and thus would be unable to cache any xsl translation latter? Is this true? If so would it not be a better idea to have the page be translated into html before all database code is called and then insert the database code at the very end and output as a jsp page or something?You can use DBPrism external invalidator server for Cocoon (, it use ESI invalidation protocol ( to control the cache coherence betwen Cocoon and the database server.
Now DBPrism external invalidator server is separate component of DBPrism which can be used into Cocoon and XSP pages without installing DBPrism.
The flow of invalidation messages is detailed at: .
A simple usage of this cache scheme could be tested at the source of this page is at
This XSP page is valid (cached) until Cocoon receives an invalidation message from an external resource (database or a simple telnet session), note that the signature of the page shows a server time that never change.
The caching behaviour is configure through a sitemap parameter like this:
<map:generate src="xsp/{1}.xsp" type="serverpages">
<map:parameter name="ESI-Key-Pattern" value="ParameterPattern=id_user"/>
<map:parameter name="test_param1" value="test1"/>
<map:parameter name="test_param2" value="test2"/>
ESI-Key-Pattern parameter controls which argument, cookie or header defines a personalization tag, or the discrimination value for the same page, for example a page like could include a cookie value which control different pages for every different logged user, in that case Cocoon will store different pages for each user logged, on the example above only id_user http parameter is used as personalization key.
The new implementatin of DBPrism invalidator server (available through CVS includes a new imlementation using HSQLDB in memory database it is slightly slow than the previous one implementation using Hashmaps but more scalable.
A sub sitemap example is available at if you need more information sent me an email.
Best regards, Marcelo.
Marcelo F. Ochoa - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Do you Know DB Prism? Look @
More info?
Chapter 21 of the book "Professional XML Databases" (Wrox Press
Chapter 8 of the book "Oracle & Open Source" (O'Reilly
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