On Wednesday 04 June 2003 22:57, Christian Kurz wrote:
CK> has anybody successfully served svg images (not svg rendered as JPG or
CK> PNG, this just works great!) to the IE using the FragmentGenerator? I
CK> would really appreciate any information or code snippets about sitemap
CK> setup and versions used (OS, JDK, Tomcat, Cocoon, Xalan).

Yes, works great on konqueror, netscape (mozilla), ie 5.5 and ie 6. Didn't try 

CK>     -cocoon (2.0.3, 2.0.4),

To my 2.0 times I also had the problem. The problem was gone since I use 
cocoon 2.1. I guess it has something to do with pipeline caching, but have 
never tested.


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