Title: passing parameters to xsp files


Currently I'm working on a web application that uses an Oracle 8i database, Cocoon 2.0, Tomcat 4.1 and Apache 2.0. I'm using XSP to query, insert and update my database.

Now I stumbled upon the following problem. I've searched the web for answers, but even Google wasn't able to help me. So you guys and girls are my last hope. ;-)

Using XSP want to update a table in my database. So far, no problems. This is the relevant section in the sitemap:

<!--updating the different columns of the element -->
        <map:match pattern="update/*.xml">
                <map:generate type="xsp" src="">
                <map:transform src="">
                <map:transform type="cinclude"/>
                <map:serialize type="html"/>           
        <!-- update application form processing -->
        <map:match pattern="form/update-application">
                <map:act type="form-validator">
                        <map:parameter name="descriptor" value="context:///DIS/database/validate/insert-application.xml"/>

                        <map:parameter name="validate-set" value="insert-application"/>
                        <!-- if success -->
                        <map:generate type="xsp" src="">
                        <map:transform src="">
                        <map:serialize type="html"/>                   
                <!-- if fail -->
                <map:read src="" mime-type="text/html"/>
        <map:match pattern="include/owner.xml">
                <map:generate type="xsp" src="">
                <map:transform src="">
                <map:serialize type="html"/>

I've also attached the relevant xslt and xsp files.

As you can see, I include the transformed owner.xsp file in my application.xsp file. I do this, because I want my users to have a drop down box with them showing all the possible foreign keys. This way they can never make a mistake updating foreign keys in the database.

This all works fine, updating and everything. Except for this: I want the right foreign key selected in my form. I cannot expect my users to select the right owner in the drop down box everytime they do an update. So I want to tell the owner.xsp file the owner_id of the application.xsp file that includes it. A simple test in the owner.xslt should then do the trick. I know it is possible to pass parameters through the sitemap, but in this case I want the contents of my parameter to be dependent on the contents of my xsp file. I don't know how to do this. I don't even know if I'm thinking in the right direction.

Can you please help me on this? Thanks!

Carolien Coenen

<<application.xslt>> <<application.xsp>> <<owner.xslt>> <<owner.xsp>>

Attachment: application.xslt
Description: Binary data

Attachment: application.xsp
Description: Binary data

Attachment: owner.xslt
Description: Binary data

Attachment: owner.xsp
Description: Binary data

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