After counting the mails 11 people are interested in a Cocoon Stammtisch
in Vienna. I added all names to the list below - please let me know if a
name is missing.

                         24   25   26
 - Alexander Schatten     x    x    x
 - Andreas Hochsteger     x    x    x
 - Berni Huber            x    x    x
 - Franz Philipp Moser    x    x    x
 - Johann Schweigl        x    x
 - Manfred Weigel         x    x
 - Martin Schimak         x    x    x 
 - Matthew Langham             x    x
 - Michael Gerzabek       x    x    x
 - Reinhard Pötz          x    x    x
 - Werner Gutmann            x    x    x

If I interpret your mails correctly the 25th will fit for all of us. As
a reminder here again the date and the location:

 June, 25th, 8pm 
 at Centimeter I (8th district behind the city hall). 

If any of you wants to come with one or more friends please let me know
until Thursday when I'll reserve the table for us.

Best regards

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