To the Cocoon Community

The involvement of commercial entities in an open source project can help
tremendously with its success. If we look at the Linux OS, the Apache web
server or other important open source projects, we often can see a mixed
model where business and open source go side by side.

In the past, the commercial side of Cocoon has been slightly "in the dark".
Some community members were known to be commercial entities, but in general,
their commercial side has been intentionally kept low profile. We believe
that this can be especially a disadvantage when it comes to enticing new
companies into the world of Cocoon - they might fear that there is no
support nor additional tools which will help them to build sustainable
operations based on our beloved Cocoon project.

In addition, we are perceiving an increasing need for additional Cocoon
services such as training or consulting.

At the previous GetTogether, the undersigned started a loose discussion on
forming some sort of business alliance with the aim of being an umbrella
under which commercial entities could discuss business perspectives, share
resources or work together on new Cocoon related topics.

The undersigned were able to join in open discussion (although being
competitors) because we felt that the business model laid out in the
Cluetrain manifesto was a "Good Thing" when it comes to defining business in
the Internet age. Also, as much as we care about our own businesses, we have
been working inside this wonderful Cocoon community for a long time and care
a great deal about its sustained development, both community- and

These discussions resulted in a consortium of 6 European companies, whose
names are well familiar to the Cocoon community, joining forces to
accelerate the corporate adoption of Cocoon by offering a shared vision of
support and services. The name of the consortium is Orixo and the website is

We feel very strong about the fact that an open source-related business
initiative should have a particular emphasis on giving back to the
community. The undersigned are all active members of the Cocoon project, and
we hope that our joined efforts will continue to be beneficial for the
entire Cocoon community. With regards to our involvement in the Cocoon
project, business remains as usual.


Anyware Technologies

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