Note also that, unless something has changed in more recent releases from
MS, if you attempt to use IIS instead of Apache, path_info() in Perl's CGI
won't work.

My (undirected) approach eventually led me to use mod_rewrite and regular
apache AliasMatch and ScriptAliasMatch commands.   Example:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule /barcodes/([inosx]?[0-9]+)\.js  /cgi-bin/$1
RewriteRule /names/([A-z]+)\.js
/cgi-bin/$1    [E=BARCODE:$1]
       AliasMatch ^.*/images/(.*)    /var/apache/htdocs/my_app_1/images/$1
       AliasMatch ^.*/css/(.*)       /var/apache/htdocs/my_app_1/css/$1
ScriptAliasMatch ^.*/cgi-bin/(.*)   /var/apache/htdocs/my_app_1/cgi-bin/$1

The bracketed parts at the back end just set the environmental variable
"BARCODE", strictly optional.


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