Yesterday I attended a session of the DLF Fall Forum at which Ryan Chute presented on djatoka, the open-source jpeg2008 image-server he and Herbert Van de Sompel just released.

It's very cool and near the top of my crowded list of things to play with.

If any of you have had the good fortune to experiment with it or implement it into some workflow, get over to the code4libcon09 presentation-proposal page pronto! And if you're as jazzed about it as I am, and know it'll be as big in our community as I think it will, consider a pre-conf proposal, too.



Birkin James Diana
Programmer, Integrated Technology Services
Brown University Library

On Nov 13, 2008, at 9:54 AM, jean rainwater wrote:

Do you have an idea AND are you willing to organize a pre-conference
for Code4Lib 2009?

If so, please send your proposal to code4libcon at .
Please include 1) a description of the pre-conference, 2)  whether a
full or half day time slot is needed, and 3) max number of

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