At Fri, 14 Nov 2008 06:10:45 -0500,
Birkin James Diana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yesterday I attended a session of the DLF Fall Forum at which Ryan  
> Chute presented on djatoka, the open-source jpeg2008 image-server he  
> and Herbert Van de Sompel just released.
> It's very cool and near the top of my crowded list of things to play  
> with.
> If any of you have had the good fortune to experiment with it or  
> implement it into some workflow, get over to the code4libcon09  
> presentation-proposal page pronto! And if you're as jazzed about it as  
> I am, and know it'll be as big in our community as I think it will,  
> consider a pre-conf proposal, too.

Hi -

This is a very cool tool. I am glad to see JPEG2k stuff hitting the
open source world. Very nice!

That said -

It would be nice if somebody could make this work without OpenURL.

Frankly I would much prefer the normal URI: 

to the OpenURL:
    url_ver=Z39.88-2004 &
    rft_id=info:lanl-repo/ &
    svc_id=info:lanl-repo/svc/getRegion &
    svc_val_fmt=info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:jpeg2000 &
        svc.format=image/jpeg &
        svc.level=4 &
        svc.rotate=0 &

and - so does the web, generally, consider that nobody uses OpenURL.

I notice also that the example ajax tool put a duplicate URI box in
the lower left hand corner for permanent URIs. It would be nice to
have a ‘bookmark this’ type link - as in google maps, if the current
bookmarkable URI is not going to be reflected in the location bar.


1. I have left out the HTTP Accept header, part of the HTTP request
but not part of the URI which is a more expressive replacement for the
svc.format=image/jpeg parameter.

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