I agree with this, as well as just using HTTP for it (Status: 300/Conneg).

Still gets a bit tricky when talking about a 'search results' or
'browse' page (rather than a 'resource' page).

Of course, some other metadata options beside JSON would probably
helpful in this case, since it would take some prior knowledge of the
JSON schema to know what you're looking at, otherwise.


On Sun, Dec 7, 2008 at 9:46 AM, Ed Summers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 5, 2008 at 9:08 PM, Michael Ang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> From what I've been reading it sounds like <abbr> with title is more of a
>> problem than <span> with title.  So maybe <span> with title isn't too much
>> of a problem in practice?  I suspect that whether the span is empty doesn't
>> make a difference *if* the screen-reader is set up to read the title
>> attribute of a span.  But having the software set that way seems unlikely(?)
> Yeah, the tooltip displaying an ugly serialized ContextObject is kind
> of annoying, but I imagine there are hacks around that. The main
> problem for screen readers, at least according to that BBC article,
> concerns the use of <abbr>.
> I didn't mean to stir up a huge debate. I just think libraries
> sometimes overlook use of the <link> element to link to alternate
> (more machine readable) representations of a web resource. With the
> notable exception of  auto-discovery for syndicated feeds (Atom, RSS,
> etc).
> //Ed

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