+1 Thursday-Friday 6-7 May here as well.


On 2010-01-27, at 10:50 PM, William Denton wrote:

> I went through all the mail about this and counted a + for each of the top 
> two choices people made (if they made two; otherwise just one + for their 
> single vote).  The results:
> Kingston +++++++++++
> Montreal +++++++
> Ottawa   +++++
> Toronto
> Sudbury
> Hamilton
> (No-one really came out as wanting it in Toronto, though obviously it's there 
> and it seems to be a fallback for everyone.)
> Kingston came out on top, as a nice city, in the middle of everything, with 
> people ready to help, and easy to get to my bus/train/car, if not by 
> plane---but then it's expected, being a local chapter, that people will be 
> coming from nearby, so that's not really a problem.
> So unless people see a need for a more definite vote, it seems like we're OK 
> with Kingston.  Is that cool?
> Next we need to decide dates.  We had these comments:
>  April/May
>  not 16 April - 16 May
>  not end of April
>  not end of April
>  after April
>  May/June
>  second half of May
>  not 10-11 May (Canadian ETD and Open Repositories in Ottawa)
>  not 9 May-13 May (ELUNA, Fort Worth, Texas)
> And there are two long weekends to avoid because people will be busy:
>  not Monday 31 May (Memorial Day in US)
>  not Monday 24 May (Victoria Day in Canada)
> Assuming it will be in Kingston, Wendy, are there any dates to avoid because 
> of something happening there, like Annual Everything Is Closed Day or a 
> special Hunt the Librarian event?
> `cal may 2010` tells me:
>      May 2010
> Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
>                   1
> 2  3  4  5  6  7  8    Monday 3?  Thursday-Friday 6-7?
> 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
> 16 17 18 19 20 21 22    Monday 17?
> 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
> Thursday-Friday 6-7 May (perhaps Thursday night and Friday all day?) seems 
> like it fits almost all but one date range.  Two Mondays would also work, 3 
> May and 17 May.  If we want to keep it to one working day that could mean 
> doing it all on Monday, or configuring ourselves Sunday night and being 
> around Monday.  I think a Thursday-Friday seems better, though---people can 
> travel back Friday night or Saturday, as they want, and that means more time 
> for hanging out on Friday night.
> How should we do the dates?  Given the April/May range, and the suggested 
> restrictions, I think these are the days that work.  Can we vote on the list, 
> or should we do a Doodle thingie?
> If we can vote here then I say
> +1 Thursday-Friday 6-7 May
> Bill
> -- 
> William Denton, Toronto : miskatonic.org www.frbr.org openfrbr.org

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