On Mon, Oct 25, 2010 at 3:25 PM, Junior Tidal <jti...@citytech.cuny.edu> wrote:
> Thanks for the suggestions everyone. I haven't actively looked for resources 
> since I'm busy doing collection development. However, I came across an 
> advertisement for a Django book and figured it would be a useful language to 
> learn. I already know php, so it seems logical that django is the next step?

At the risk of starting a framework holy war, I'd say that if you're
in the "I've learned some PHP and now I'm ready for the next level"
camp, I'd recommend at least trying Ruby on Rails.

Having written both a lot of Ruby (and Rails) and Python (and Django)
code, I can say that unless I'm doing heavy math lifting, Ruby is
nicer to work with -- to me, the language just flows better and is
more consistent. And while in the past, Django had some more polished
edges, Rails 3 has pretty much closed that gap.

Again, though, don't stress the choice too much. Both are very solid
products that will serve you well.

Have fun!

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