We built our A-Z list, Databases by Subject and Database Trials sets in
Drupal. It has worked out really well for us and we also have those lists
populate our subject guides through taxonomy.


If you are interested in how we built any of this let me know.


On Wed, Feb 16, 2011 at 3:18 PM, Michele DeSilva <mdesi...@cocc.edu> wrote:

> Hi Code4Lib-ers,
> I want to chime in and say that I, too, enjoyed the streaming archive from
> the conference.
> I also have a question: my library has a horribly antiquated A to Z list of
> databases and online resources (it's based in Access). We'd like to do
> something that looks more modern and is far more user friendly. I found a
> great article in the Code4Lib journal (issue 12, by Danielle Rosenthal &
> Mario Bernado) about building a searchable A to Z list using Drupal. I'm
> also wondering what other institutions have done as far as in-house
> solutions. I know there're products we could buy, but, like everyone else,
> we don't have much money at the moment.
> Thanks for any info or advice!
> Michele DeSilva
> Central Oregon Community College Library
> Emerging Technologies Librarian
> 541-383-7565
> mdesi...@cocc.edu

Debra Riley-Huff
Web Services Librarian
Assistant Professor
JD Williams Library
University of Mississippi
University, MS 38677

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