The new release of VuFind (1.1, due out this coming Monday) includes tools for 
OAI-PMH harvesting and ingestion of arbitrary XML formats (some Dublin Core 
examples are included).  With a little bit of XSLT tweaking (and possibly 
implementation of a PHP class to customize record presentation), you could 
probably get it to meet your needs fairly easily.  If you're interested in 
trying this approach, I'm happy to offer more specific assistance -- just let 
me know!  See also

- Demian

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Code for Libraries [mailto:CODE4LIB@LISTSERV.ND.EDU] On Behalf Of
> Edward M. Corrado
> Sent: Wednesday, March 16, 2011 11:01 AM
> Subject: [CODE4LIB] Simple Web-based Dublin Core search engine?
> Hi,
> I [will soon] have a small set (< 1000 records) of Dublin Core
> metadata published in OAI_DC format that I want to be searchable via a
> Web browser.  Normally we would use Ex Libris's Primo for this, but
> this particular set of data may have some confidential information and
> our repository only has minimal built in search functions. While we
> still may go with Primo for these records, I am looking for at other
> possibilities. The requirements as I see them are:
> 1) Can ingest records in OAI_DC format
> 2) Allow remote end-users who are familiar with the collection search
> these ingest records via a Web browser.
> 3)Search should be keyword anywhere or individual fields although it
> does not need to have every whizzbang feature out there. In other
> words, basic search feature are fine.
> 4) Should support the ability to link to the display copy in our
> repository (probably goes without saying)
> 5) Should be simple to install and maintain (Thus, at least in my
> mind, eliminating something like Blacklight)
> 6) Preferably a LAMP application although a Windows server based
> solution is a possibility as well
> 7) Preferably Open Source, or at least no- or low-cost
> I haven't been able to find anything searching the Web, but it seems
> like something people may have done before. Before I re-invent the
> wheel or shoe-horn something together, does anyone have any
> suggestions?
> Edward

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