Thanks for the information on the new version VuFind. I think it might
be ale to work, but I think I'm going to try PKP Harvester first.


On Wed, Mar 16, 2011 at 11:51 AM, Demian Katz <> wrote:
> The new release of VuFind (1.1, due out this coming Monday) includes tools 
> for OAI-PMH harvesting and ingestion of arbitrary XML formats (some Dublin 
> Core examples are included).  With a little bit of XSLT tweaking (and 
> possibly implementation of a PHP class to customize record presentation), you 
> could probably get it to meet your needs fairly easily.  If you're interested 
> in trying this approach, I'm happy to offer more specific assistance -- just 
> let me know!  See also
> - Demian
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Code for Libraries [mailto:CODE4LIB@LISTSERV.ND.EDU] On Behalf Of
>> Edward M. Corrado
>> Sent: Wednesday, March 16, 2011 11:01 AM
>> Subject: [CODE4LIB] Simple Web-based Dublin Core search engine?
>> Hi,
>> I [will soon] have a small set (< 1000 records) of Dublin Core
>> metadata published in OAI_DC format that I want to be searchable via a
>> Web browser.  Normally we would use Ex Libris's Primo for this, but
>> this particular set of data may have some confidential information and
>> our repository only has minimal built in search functions. While we
>> still may go with Primo for these records, I am looking for at other
>> possibilities. The requirements as I see them are:
>> 1) Can ingest records in OAI_DC format
>> 2) Allow remote end-users who are familiar with the collection search
>> these ingest records via a Web browser.
>> 3)Search should be keyword anywhere or individual fields although it
>> does not need to have every whizzbang feature out there. In other
>> words, basic search feature are fine.
>> 4) Should support the ability to link to the display copy in our
>> repository (probably goes without saying)
>> 5) Should be simple to install and maintain (Thus, at least in my
>> mind, eliminating something like Blacklight)
>> 6) Preferably a LAMP application although a Windows server based
>> solution is a possibility as well
>> 7) Preferably Open Source, or at least no- or low-cost
>> I haven't been able to find anything searching the Web, but it seems
>> like something people may have done before. Before I re-invent the
>> wheel or shoe-horn something together, does anyone have any
>> suggestions?
>> Edward

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