FWIW, I'd like to see a hosting proposal one of these years that
suggests tweaking the formula, either by opening it up the way folks
have mentioned in this thread or by completely blowing up the format
(unconference + hackfest kind of thing). That's the only way I see
this changing.

Btw, now's the perfect time to work these sorts of ideas into a
hosting proposal for code4lib 2013.


On Mon, Dec 19, 2011 at 10:53, BWS Johnson <abesottedphoe...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Salvete!
>     Not sure the bigger is worse dictum holds. Do Code4Libbers suddenly get 
> trolly when you have more of them about? Sure, a larger conference is a 
> different experience, but I wonder if what the organisational toll is for not 
> honouring folks' frustration in being left out in the cold.
>     Are people willing to give it a go once, or will the nerds just take 
> their USB drives and their lappies and go home? ;)
> Cheers,
> Brooke

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