On May 10, 2012, at 5:49 PM, Mark Jordan wrote:

> Wouldn't the NIH syndrome endemic to libraries make such a set unlikely? 

But every website redesign committee I have ever sat on (which have been many; 
since the dawn of the web -- every one a scarring experience) has always 
started by compiling the library websites (and occasionally outside of the 
library, but almost *always* library websites) that have designs we admire or 
aspects that we would like to emulate or incorporate.

Every single one.

I can't imagine that this phenomenon was exclusive to the three universities I 
have worked for, which would lead me to believe that *some* design patterns 
must show up in a significant cross-section of library websites (although, like 
Sean, I agree that so often, other website designs were rejected for whatever 
local reasons or biases we had).


> ----- Original Message -----
>> So, there are a gajillion and one design pattern libraries out
>> there...has
>> anybody come across a set of design patterns focused on library web
>> sites?
>> Thanks,
>> Pat

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