Something like Quick View Plus?


-----Original Message-----
From: Shearer, Timothy J [] 
Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2012 6:03 PM
Subject: [CODE4LIB] clarification about file visualization

Hi Folks,

My query may have been poorly expressed...

What we have is a webserver with 64,665 files (html, css, js, jpg, you get the 
idea) and lots of directories with subdirectories.

The goal is to be able to conveniently take all that in in a way that makes it 
pretty simple to see/navigate (say for a public services staff member tasked 
with doing a survey of the old content) so that we can get a handle on what's 
there (prior to say, moving from a php+html template approach to a CMS).  It's 
about exploring the website from under the hood.

In my limited imagination it might look like: the document tree represented in 
xml as viewed through a web browser.  Expanding/contracting nodes (and being 
able to recursively explode the view at at any node).
Maybe choose to hide things like image, css, and js files.  Annotation would be 
lovely (say at a subdirectory be able to say: "this one's old and needs to go", 
"this one we keep as is", "this one needs to be reworked entirely").  And in an 
ideal world state could be preserved...if you'd expanded/contracted chunks as 
you were exploring, you could come back later and be where you were in your 

tree expresses the file system as (strangely enough) a tree, but the output is 
not interactive and it's huge and unwieldy to deal with.  If you find a 
subdirectory that's full of thousands of files that are irrelevant to the task 
of getting a handle on the overall content, they're on the screen and you page 
and page down and eventually lose track of where they are in the directory 

I'm more interested in how other shops help users understand a huge old 
webserver's content than focusing on a specific tool such as the one my brain 

Thanks for the feedback so far!


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