On Sep 4, 2012, at 10:48 AM, Matthew LeVan wrote:

> It's like a google search challenge!  Looks like they changed their student
> home link patterns...
> http://home.ubalt.edu/nicole.kerber/idia642/Final_Usability_Report.pdf

That's a challenge?


(although my normal first step would've been archive.org, but they didn't
have it in their cache)


> On Tue, Sep 4, 2012 at 10:44 AM, Jonathan Rochkind <rochk...@jhu.edu> wrote:
>> Hi helpful code4lib community, at one point there was a report online at:
>> http://student-iat.ubalt.edu/**students/kerber_n/idia642/**
>> Final_Usability_Report.pdf<http://student-iat.ubalt.edu/students/kerber_n/idia642/Final_Usability_Report.pdf>
>> David Walker tells me the report at that location included findings about
>> SFX and/or other link resolvers.
>> I'm really interested in reading it. But it's gone from that location, and
>> I'm not sure if it's somewhere else (I don't have a title/author to search
>> for other than that URL, which is not in google cache or internet archive).
>> Is anyone reading this familiar with the report? Perhaps one of the
>> authors is reading this, or someone reading it knows one of the authors and
>> can be put me in touch?  Or knows someone likely in the relevant dept at
>> ubalt and can be put me in touch? Or has any other information about this
>> report or ways to get it?
>> Thanks!
>> Jonathan

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