On 11/27/12 10:35 AM, Joe Hourcle wrote:
I admit, I'm no expert on surveys (I tried doing one once for a class ... got shut down for an IRB violation as I said I'd share the results back with the organization we were surveying ... which is pretty sad, as the organization I was surveying was the library school itself) ... but you could do a much larger survey, trying to get all people who work in libraries, and ask questions about specific IT-related tasks that they might be doing, even if they don't self-identify as IT. Of course, then you might miss those of us who don't work in libraries, but who may identify with this group. ... and make sure that whoever does it isn't at an academic institution, to avoid that IRB crap. -Joe

Joe, what I was hoping for was not a survey where individuals report on themselves, but a statistical sample of libraries where the library reports on its staff. That avoid the "self-image" issue, and the selection that individual reporting on self entails.


Karen Coyle
kco...@kcoyle.net http://kcoyle.net
ph: 1-510-540-7596
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skype: kcoylenet

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