Also, as a side note (and of interest to some) you *can* add pull requests to 
your repo:

On 2013-02-21, at 10:29 AM, Shaun Ellis <> wrote:

> If you read my email, I don't tell anyone what to use, but simply attempt to 
> clear up some fallacies.  Distributed version control is new to many, and I 
> want to make sure that folks are getting accurate information from this list.
> Unfortunately, this statement is not accurate either:
> // There's a sneaky lock-in effect of having one open tool (git hosting) 
> which is fairly easy to move in and out and interoperate with, linked to 
> other closed tools (such as their issues tracker and their non-git pull 
> requests system) which are harder to move out or interoperate. //
> GitHub's API allows you to easily export issues if you want to move them 
> somewhere else:
> Pull-requests are used by repository hosting platforms to make it easier to 
> suggest patches.  GitHub and BitBucket both use the pattern, and I don't 
> understand what you mean by it being a "closed tool".  If you're concerned 
> about "barriers to entry", suggesting a patch using only git or mercurial can 
> be done, but I wouldn't say it's easy.
> ... and what Devon said.
> -Shaun
> On 2/21/13 9:34 AM, MJ Ray wrote:
>> Shaun Ellis <>
>>> * Myth #1 : GitHub creates a barrier to entry.
>> That's a fact, not a myth.  Myself, I won't give GitHub my full legal
>> name and I suspect there are others who won't.  So, we're not welcome
>> there and if we lie to register, all our work would be subject to
>> deletion at an arbitrary future point.
>> There's a couple of other things in the terms which aren't simple, too.
>> [...]
>>> * Myth #4 : GitHub is monopolizing open source software development.
>>>  > "... to its unfortunate centralizing of so much free/open
>>>  > source software on one platform.)"
>>> Convergence is not always a bad thing. GitHub provides a great, free
>>> service with lots of helpful collaboration tools beyond version control.
>>>   It's natural that people would flock there, despite having lots of
>>> other options.
>> Whether or not it's a deliberate monopolising attempt, I don't think
>> that's the full reason.  It's not only natural effect.  There's a
>> sneaky lock-in effect of having one open tool (git hosting) which is
>> fairly easy to move in and out and interoperate with, linked to other
>> closed tools (such as their issues tracker and their non-git pull
>> requests system) which are harder to move out or interoperate.
>> Use github if you like.  Just don't expect everyone to do so.
>> Hope that explains,

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