As far as the poetry goes, not my thing, so I don't have a comment on what
is actually used. The thread appeared to fork onto a discussion about
github use more generally. My apologies to all if it is still tightly
coupled to the poetry thing. The rest of my comments assume the more
general conversation.

MJ Ray had specific complaints - choosing not to have an account at all,
for ANY project. There are no doubt projects for which github is not
appropriate - all the examples you gave. There are countless more, however,
where it is a perfectly reasonable option. Choosing not to have an account
to participate in ANY project - no matter how trivial - is an individual's
choice. They certainly should not be coerced into getting one.

While no one has explicitly said "accommodate me," it is implied in their
communications. The very nature of the original conversation was
people refuse to use github or feel the barriers "imposed" are too high and
therefore want others to make different choices - to accommodate their
choices. As far as the poetry thing goes, if the participants are
comfortable with that accommodation, then all is well and fine.

Like Jonathan, I think it was a mistake to post at all.


On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 1:44 PM, Tom Johnson <
> wrote:

> Devon:
> I don't think anyone is asking you to accommodate them in your choice of
> tools or even approve of what they see as barriers. This conversation
> started because of an understanding that the poetry folks *do want* to
> accommodate others' needs and preferences. Taking that assumption in hand,
> I don't think it's useful to dictate what counts as legitimate barriers for
> other people. Their participation will be prevented to the same extent
> whatever we think of their reasons.
> That aside, I can think off-hand of a handful of reasons, near-and-dear to
> FOSS, why a project contributor might not want identifying information
> associated with their commits, and why the project coordinators might want
> to make sure they don't have to. I might be contributing in my personal
> time, but concerned that my employer would try to make copyright claims if
> they could trace the code back to me. I might be contributing to security
> projects like Tor or Whisper Systems, which has been known to cause trouble
> at US borders for some people. Or, I might live under an oppressive
> government which would object even more strongly to my choice of project.
> These issues matter to a lot of us.
> - Tom
> On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 7:10 AM, Devon <> wrote:
> > If you're not willing to provide even your name to make use of a free
> > service, then I dare say you are erecting your own barriers. Such is your
> > choice, of course, but I don't think others need to be compelled
> > to accommodate the barriers you create for yourself.
> >
> > And just because the terms of use are not unconditional, or perfectly to
> > your liking, does not mean you're not welcome to use it. You are.
> >
> > /dev
> >
> >
> > On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 9:34 AM, MJ Ray <> wrote:
> >
> > > Shaun Ellis <>
> > > > * Myth #1 : GitHub creates a barrier to entry.
> > >
> > > That's a fact, not a myth.  Myself, I won't give GitHub my full legal
> > > name and I suspect there are others who won't.  So, we're not welcome
> > > there and if we lie to register, all our work would be subject to
> > > deletion at an arbitrary future point.
> > >
> > > There's a couple of other things in the terms which aren't simple, too.
> > >
> > > [...]
> > > > * Myth #4 : GitHub is monopolizing open source software development.
> > > >  > "... to its unfortunate centralizing of so much free/open
> > > >  > source software on one platform.)"
> > > >
> > > > Convergence is not always a bad thing. GitHub provides a great, free
> > > > service with lots of helpful collaboration tools beyond version
> > control.
> > > >   It's natural that people would flock there, despite having lots of
> > > > other options.
> > >
> > > Whether or not it's a deliberate monopolising attempt, I don't think
> > > that's the full reason.  It's not only natural effect.  There's a
> > > sneaky lock-in effect of having one open tool (git hosting) which is
> > > fairly easy to move in and out and interoperate with, linked to other
> > > closed tools (such as their issues tracker and their non-git pull
> > > requests system) which are harder to move out or interoperate.
> > >
> > > Use github if you like.  Just don't expect everyone to do so.
> > >
> > > Hope that explains,
> > > --
> > > MJ Ray (slef), member of, a for-more-than-profit
> > co-op.
> > > supporter, web and library systems
> developer.
> > > In My Opinion Only: see
> > > Available for hire (including development) at
> > >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Sent from my GMail account.
> >

Sent from my GMail account.

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