On Mar 5, 2013, at 8:29 AM, Adam Constabaris wrote:

> An option is to use a password management program (KeepassX is good because
> it is cross platform) to store the passwords on the shared drive, although
> of course you need to distribute the passphrase for it around.

So years ago, when I worked for a university, they wanted us to put all of the 
root passwords into an envelope, and give them to management to hold.  (we were 
a Solaris shop, so there actually were root passwords on the boxes, but you had 
to connect from the console or su to be able to use 'em).

We managed to drag our heels on it, and management forgot about it*, but I had 
an idea ...

What if there were a way to store the passwords similar to the secret formula 
in Knight Rider?

Yes, I know, it's an obscure geeky reference, and probably dates me.  The story 
went that the secret bullet-proof spray on coating wasn't held by any one 
person; there were three people who each knew part of the formula, and that any 
two of them had enough knowledge to make it.

For needing 2 of 3 people, the process is simple -- divide it up into 3 parts, 
and each person has a different missing bit.  This doesn't work for 4 people, 
though (either needing 2 people, or 3 people to complete it).

You could probably do it for two or three classes of people (eg, you need 1 
sysadmin + 1 manager to unlock it), but I'm not sure if there's some method to 
get an arbitrary "X of Y" people required to unlock.

If anyone has ideas, send 'em to be off-list.  (If other people want the 
answer, I can aggregate / summarize the results, so I don't end up starting yet 
another inappropriate out-of-control thread)


Oh, and I was assuming that you'd be using PGP, using the public key to encrypt 
the passwords, so that anyone could insert / update a password into whatever 
drop box you had; it'd only be taking stuff out that would require multiple 
people to combine efforts.


* or at least, they didn't bring it up again while I was still employed there.

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