Good morning, 

                 I have been working in public libraries since 2006, as a 
cataloger, collection development librarian, serials librarian, and various 
other roles (thinking of business card with Fixer as job title). I am very 
interested in Structured Data, Semantic Web, Metadata, and more importantly 
Content Strategy and User Experience/Interface Design. I am considering 
entering the Applied Computing Program at Tulane University. I have listed the 
courses below. What advice do the Code4Libs have with regard to Programming 
Courses via a University (as well as the courses below)? I really want to get 
into Content Strategy and User Experience Design. What advice do you have for 
someone that is a librarian with a pretty extensive knowledge of 
metadata/structured data, is interested in programming/coding as a career, and 
just wants to improve his lot/career? Thank you for any and all advice on the 



Major Core Courses       Credits
CPST 1200 Fundamentals of Information Systems and Information Technology        
CPST 2200 Programming Fundamentals      
CPST 2300 Database Fundamentals 
CPST 3600 IT Hardware and Software Fundamentals 
CPST 3700 Networking Fundamentals       
CPST 3900 Fundamentals of Information Security and Assurance    

In addition to the major core courses above, Applied Computing majors must 
select 6 additional courses from one of the 3 following concentration options:

Option 1: Integrated Application Development Concentration      
Select one course:
CPST 3220 O-O Programming with Java
CPST 3230 Programming in C++
CPST 3400 Website Development with XML/XHTML
CPST 3410 Website Development with JavaScript
CPST 3430 Website Development with ASP  
CPST 3310 Relational Database Design and Development    
CPST 3250 Human-Computer Interaction    
CPST 3550 Systems Analysis and Design   
CPST 4250 Integrated Application Development    
One CPST Elective (2000 level or above) 

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