You're correct in that they would not be synonymous careers outside of our domain, but I don't see that many Content Strategy and UX positions pop up here. So, if the OP wants to continue to work for libraries, I wouldn't expect the existing "education paths" to be a perfect fit for the job market.

Libraries may begin to better understand the value of these skills in the future, but organizational change seems to happen slowly in our field. Having a combined set of skills -- the ability to design, prototype, test, and code -- will increase your potential to build awesome things and broaden your perspective of the development process.

I agree that you need some projects. While a degree never hurts, getting experience and building a great portfolio will serve you better for what you want to do. If you're at a loss for ideas, there were a number of potential C4L projects/redesigns that came up at the conference, for which you may find some collaborators/mentors.

On 4/22/13 12:35 PM, Mark Pernotto wrote:
It's not immediately clear to me if you're more interested in Content
Strategy and UX or programming/coding, as I don't see them as synonymous

If it's the former, I'd suggest seeking a more focused HCI program.

If it's the latter, then I'd focus probably more on Integrated Application
Development.  I would think you'd want more software development experience
before diving into that, however.

I learn best by getting my hands dirty with a project.  See if you like it
first, and see if you can't follow along with a 'how to program' guide
online - this helped me:  The HTML
version is free, you'll see immediate results, and it might give you a good
idea if you like this whole 'programming' thing.

On Mon, Apr 22, 2013 at 9:05 AM, Cary Gordon <> wrote:

If you going to become a professional programmer/developer, I suggest that
you take one of the language courses (just not ASP). In the library world,
XML is very useful. While we work mostly in PHP, Python, Ruby and Scala are
the most interesting, but none of them are on the list.

In my experience, if you have a good handle on the fundamentals of
programming, picking up new languages is easy.

These are tough choices, as there is only one class — ASP is dead — that I
wouldn't take. What are the other two concentration options?

On Mon, Apr 22, 2013 at 8:41 AM, Sean Hannan <> wrote:

Honestly, if you're interested in and looking to focus on Content
and UX, the only course there that comes close is Human-Computer

If those are really your interests, I'd look at a strictly HCI program
(they're out there) or something that leans more towards Knowledge
Management or plain old Design.


From: Code for Libraries [CODE4LIB@LISTSERV.ND.EDU] on behalf of Phil
Suda []
Sent: Monday, April 22, 2013 11:31 AM
Subject: [CODE4LIB] ADVICE: Applied Computing Program at Tulane

Good morning,

                  I have been working in public libraries since 2006, as a
cataloger, collection development librarian, serials librarian, and
other roles (thinking of business card with Fixer as job title). I am
interested in Structured Data, Semantic Web, Metadata, and more
Content Strategy and User Experience/Interface Design. I am considering
entering the Applied Computing Program at Tulane University. I have
the courses below. What advice do the Code4Libs have with regard to
Programming Courses via a University (as well as the courses below)? I
really want to get into Content Strategy and User Experience Design. What
advice do you have for someone that is a librarian with a pretty
knowledge of metadata/structured data, is interested in
as a career, and just wants to improve his lot/career? Thank you for any
and all advice on the matter.



Major Core Courses       Credits
CPST 1200 Fundamentals of Information Systems and Information Technology
CPST 2200 Programming Fundamentals
CPST 2300 Database Fundamentals
CPST 3600 IT Hardware and Software Fundamentals
CPST 3700 Networking Fundamentals
CPST 3900 Fundamentals of Information Security and Assurance

In addition to the major core courses above, Applied Computing majors
select 6 additional courses from one of the 3 following concentration

Option 1: Integrated Application Development Concentration
Select one course:
CPST 3220 O-O Programming with Java
CPST 3230 Programming in C++
CPST 3400 Website Development with XML/XHTML
CPST 3410 Website Development with JavaScript
CPST 3430 Website Development with ASP
CPST 3310 Relational Database Design and Development
CPST 3250 Human-Computer Interaction
CPST 3550 Systems Analysis and Design
CPST 4250 Integrated Application Development
One CPST Elective (2000 level or above)

Cary Gordon
The Cherry Hill Company

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