If this is not web-based, and you're using Windows, you may find AutoIt 
(http://www.autoitscript.com/site/) to be an excellent macro scripting app (and 
it's free).  I'm not sure what kind of performance you'd get if it has to scan 
a large vocabulary list, though.  I use it to parse a 2GB access log into three 
separate files based on internal and external IP addresses as well as other 
search strings, and it takes close to an hour to complete (although at the same 
time I'm also doing other things on this 3-core 4GB system... your mileage may 
vary, naturally).  In any case, it has a very robust set of functions--GUI and 
otherwise--that I'm sure would fit the bill, performance notwithstanding.
There's also NetRexx (think REXX + Java) that might possibly suit your needs 

>>> On 7/8/2013 at 10:59 AM, in message 
>>> <455f24d5-50c8-4daa-bd30-2ba8a064f...@grace.nascom.nasa.gov>, Joe Hourcle 
>>> <onei...@grace.nascom.nasa.gov> wrote:
On Jul 8, 2013, at 10:37 AM, Anderson, David (NIH/NLM) [E] wrote:

> I'm looking for a lightweight autocomplete application for data entry. Here's 
> what I'd like to be able to do:
> *         Import large controlled vocabularies into the app
> *         Call up the app with a macro wherever I'm entering data
> *         Begin typing in a term from the vocabulary, get a list of 
> suggestions for terms
> *         Select a term from the list and have it paste automatically into my 
> data entry field
> Ideally it would load and suggest terms quickly. I've looked around, but 
> nothing really stands out. Anyone using anything like this?

Is this web-based?

If not, do you have control of the software that you're entering the data into?

If so, what language is it in?)

If not, what OS are you using?


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