On 09/07/13 02:37, Anderson, David (NIH/NLM) [E] wrote:
I'm looking for a lightweight autocomplete application for data entry. Here's
what I'd like to be able to do:
* Import large controlled vocabularies into the app
* Call up the app with a macro wherever I'm entering data
* Begin typing in a term from the vocabulary, get a list of suggestions
for terms
* Select a term from the list and have it paste automatically into my
data entry field
Ideally it would load and suggest terms quickly. I've looked around, but
nothing really stands out. Anyone using anything like this?
There's a worked example doing this a couple of ways using wikipedia at:
In both cases note the 'http://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php' URI. The 'en'
part of that is a language code, switch it out for whatever natural
language you're expecting people to type.
If you're working in a bi-lingual or multi-lingual environment, there's
a category of redirects
which allow you to autocomplete across languages. The rules around
redirects only allow such redirects from languages with a direct
connection to the subject matter. In theory wikidata could be use to
build something more complete.
Stuart Yeates
Library Technology Services http://www.victoria.ac.nz/library/