+1 for what I know of Avalon Media service

Al Matthews

Software Developer, Digital Services Unit
Atlanta University Center, Robert W. Woodruff Library
email: amatth...@auctr.edu; office: 1 404 978 2057

On 11/12/13 8:21 AM, "Edward Summers" <e...@pobox.com> wrote:

>Hi Kelley,
>Thanks for posting this. When I began work on jobs.code4lib.org I was
>hoping it would encourage people to post short term contracts. The
>thought being that it may be easier for some institutions to find money
>for projects than full-time staff, and it could encourage more open
>source collaboration between organizations, similar to what the Hydra
>Project are doing.
>So, I added your post to jobs.code4lib.org [1]. Ordinarily the person who
>publishes a job posting is the only one who can edit it. But if you would
>like to make any changes to it please let me know and I’ll make you the
>Incidentally I was curious about your decision to hire two programmers to
>do what appears to be a very similar task. Was your intent to have two
>implementations to compare to see which you liked better? Were the two
>developers supposed to work together or separately?
>[1] http://jobs.code4lib.org/job/10658/
>On Nov 11, 2013, at 10:58 PM, Kelley McGrath <kell...@uoregon.edu> wrote:
>> I have a small amount of money to work with and am looking for two
>>people to help with extracting data from MARC records as described
>>below. This is part of a larger project to develop a FRBR-based data
>>store and discovery interface for moving images. Our previous work
>>includes a consideration of the feasibility of the project from a
>>cataloging perspective (http://www.olacinc.org/drupal/?q=node/27), a
>>prototype end-user interface (https://blazing-sunset-24.heroku.com/,
>>https://blazing-sunset-24.heroku.com/page/about) and a web form to
>>crowdsource the parsing of movie credits
>> Planned work period: six months beginning around the second week of
>>December (I can be somewhat flexible on the dates if you want to wait
>>and start after the New Year)
>> Payment: flat sum of $2500 upon completion of the work
>> Required skills and knowledge:
>>  *   Familiarity with the MARC 21 bibliographic format
>>  *   Familiarity with Natural Language Processing concepts (or
>>willingness to learn)
>>  *   Experience with Java, Python, and/or Ruby programming languages
>> Description of work: Use language and text processing tools and
>>provided strategies to write code to extract and normalize data in
>>existing MARC bibliographic records for moving images. Refine code based
>>on feedback from analysis of results obtained with a sample dataset.
>> Data to be extracted:
>> Tasks for Position 1:
>> Titles (including the main title of the video, uniform titles, variant
>>titles, series titles, television program titles and titles of contents)
>> Authors and titles of related works on which an adaptation is based
>> Duration
>> Color
>> Sound vs. silent
>> Tasks for Position 2:
>> Format (DVD, VHS, film, online, etc.)
>> Original language
>> Country of production
>> Aspect ratio
>> Flag for whether a record represents multiple works or not
>> We have already done some work with dates, names and roles and have a
>>framework to work in. I have the basic logic for the data extraction
>>processes, but expect to need some iteration to refine these strategies.
>> To apply please send me an email at kelleym@uoregon explaining why you
>>are interested in this project, what relevant experience you would bring
>>and any other reasons why I should hire you. If you have a preference
>>for position 1 or 2, let me know (it's not necessary to have a
>>preference). The deadline for applications is Monday, December 2, 2013.
>>Let me know if you have any questions.
>> Thank you for your consideration.
>> Kelley
>> PS In the near future, I will also be looking for someone to help with
>>work clustering based on title, name, date and identifier data from MARC
>>records. This will not involve any direct interaction with MARC.
>> Kelley McGrath
>> Metadata Management Librarian
>> University of Oregon Libraries
>> 541-346-8232
>> kell...@uoregon.edu

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