It seems like the main things a 501(c)(6) can do that a 501(c)(3) can't is 
engage in advertising, lobbying, supporting candidates for office, etc.  Other 
that that, it can engage in the same activities as a 501(c)(3).

IMHO, a "Friends of code4lib" non-profit organization would fall squarely under 
the the advancement of education category (i.e. to support educational 
activities such as the conference, mailing list, website, IRC channel, etc.).  
So a 501(c)(3) seems like a better fit to me.


On 04/13/2014, at 12:57 PM, Simon Spero <> wrote:

> [Note that 501 (c)(6) only applies to membership organizations]
> On Sun, Apr 13, 2014 at 12:55 PM, Simon Spero <> wrote:
>> Whilst it might be possible that code4lib might qualify under IRC
>> 501(c)(3) it is also possible  that code4lib might be a professional
>> organization under IRC 501(c)(6) .
>> 6.  An organization formed to stimulate the development and
>>> free interchange of information pertaining to systems and programming
>>> of electronic data processing equipment may qualify for exempt status under
>>> IRC 501(c)(6). The membership of the particular organization at issue
>>> is composed of members who represent diversified businesses that own,
>>> rent, or lease digital computers produced by various manufacturers. The
>>> organization holds semi-annual conferences to discuss operational
>>> and technical problems. The activities of this organization provide a
>>> forum for the exchange of information that will improve the efficiency of
>>> the use
>>> of such computers, both by members and other interested users, and
>>> thus improve the overall efficiency of the business operations of each.
>>> Rev. Rul. 74-147, 1974-1 C.B. 136. Distinguished in Rev. Rul. 83-164,
>>> 1983-2
>>> C.B. 95, discussed under The "Line of Business" Requirement, page 22.
>>  , page K-8
>> See e.g. the ALA - a 501(c)(3) organization, vs. ALA-APA 501(c)(6).
>> On Fri, Apr 11, 2014 at 2:51 PM, Heller, Margaret <>wrote:
>>> Here is a good place to start:
>>> I
>>> don't think a Friends of Code4Lib would qualify as a 501(C)(4) or the other
>>> types of exempt organization, but possibly.
>>> That said, we will run into all the problems that have stymied these
>>> types of discussions in the past that are not legal problems but
>>> philosophical problems. It's not hard to fill out the 501(C)(3)
>>> application, but figuring out what to put in the boxes when you don't have
>>> a legal entity is difficult. So someone would have to incorporate the
>>> Friends organization. I am sure most of us work at places with Friends of
>>> the library and could see their bylaws to get some ideas.
>>> Margaret Heller
>>> Digital Services Librarian
>>> Loyola University Chicago
>>> 773-508-2686
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Code for Libraries [mailto:CODE4LIB@LISTSERV.ND.EDU] On Behalf Of
>>> Lisa Rabey
>>> Sent: Friday, April 11, 2014 9:39 AM
>>> Subject: Re: [CODE4LIB] Call for Old Conf Tshirt Logos
>>> On Fri, Apr 11, 2014 at 8:30 AM, Francis Kayiwa <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> +1
>>>> Go for it Lisa!
>>>> ./fxk
>>> I can start digging into the hows/whys sometime in early May and report
>>> back. If anyone has anything of interest (past C4L list convos,
>>> recommendations, etc), pass them along!
>>> --
>>> Lisa M. Rabey | @pnkrcklibrarian
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> |

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