I Am not a librarian in the traditional sense (hell, I haven't even been to 
college yet) but I think I may provide an interesting demographic, eg those who 
are library coders under 18. But in all seriousness I would be interested to 

Riley Childs
Asst. Head of IT Services
Charlotte United Christian Academy
(704) 497-2086
Sent from my Windows Phone, please excuse mistakes
From: Nate Hill<mailto:nathanielh...@gmail.com>
Sent: ‎6/‎30/‎2014 4:03 PM
Subject: Re: [CODE4LIB] Let me shadow you, librarians who code!

My codey folks don't have library degrees, but they would prob love to
Skype with you. Would they still fit the bill? I could ask them...

On Monday, June 30, 2014, Jennie Rose Halperin <jennie.halpe...@gmail.com>

> hey Code4Lib,
> Do you work in a library and also like coding?  Do you do coding as part of
> your job?
> I'm writing my masters paper for the University of North Carolina at Chapel
> Hill and I'd like to shadow and interview up to 10 librarians and
> archivists who also work with code in some way in the Boston area for the
> next two weeks.
> I'd come by and chat for about 2 hours, and the whole thing will not take
> up too much of your time.
> Not in Massachusetts?  Want to skype? Let me know and that would be
> possible.
> I know that this list has a pretty big North American presence, but I will
> be in Berlin beginning July 14, and could potentially shadow anyone in
> Germany as well.
> Best,
> Jennie Rose Halperin
> jennie.halpe...@gmail.com <javascript:;>

Nate Hill

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