An update to the Github giving free repositories to universities: I created
a Github account on Friday and requested the educational discount. Within
twenty-four hours they approved us and our library now has free private

Although it is confusing because they give the free repositories to the
Github organization you create and not the personal Github account you
created the organization with. No hoops to jump through for us.

All the best,

Craig Boman
Applications Support Specialist
University of Dayton Libraries

On Fri, Jul 11, 2014 at 3:42 PM, Terrell, Trey <
> wrote:

> It likely helped that we already had a variety of open source projects on
> github, and I told them our primary impetus for private repositories was
> to get off of gitlab and centralize everything with them.
> Trey
> On 7/11/14, 10:01 AM, "Francis Kayiwa" <> wrote:
> >Hash: SHA1
> >
> >On 7/11/2014 11:29 AM, Terrell, Trey wrote:
> >> Another +1 for Github Issues. If youąre uncomfortable putting the
> >> website in a public repo theyąve given us 50 private repositories
> >> for free and have asked us to spread the word. You can just head
> >> over to and request a discount for
> >> your organization - theyąve been amazing to work with. =)
> >>
> >
> >I had (sample of one) to jump through so many hoops and still couldn't
> >convince them to give me what you got.
> >
> >FWIW All bitbucket needs is a .edu account and they will give you
> >unlimited repos. Sure not as *cool* as github but also has had less
> >bad press than github. ;-)
> >
> >Cheers,
> >./fxk
> >
> >
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