On 8/15/14, 10:18 AM, Joe Hourcle wrote:
  If you can offer them reduced tuition or parking (matters at some campuses)

Have you heard what it takes to get your own parking space on Berkeley campus? A Nobel prize. Yep, you get a parking space with a Nobel, and every time there's a new Nobel winner on campus, he (so far) always gets interviewed by the school paper about how it feels to have a guaranteed parking place. [1]

BTW, they are marked on campus with the letters "NL ONLY" - Nobel Laureate only.[2]

[1] http://www.dailycal.org/2013/12/12/uc-berkeley-professor-nobel-laureate-winner-randy-schekman-answers-reddit-questions/
[2] http://makezine.com/2010/02/08/uc-berkeley-has-nobel-laureate-only/

Karen Coyle
kco...@kcoyle.net http://kcoyle.net
m: +1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet/+1-510-984-3600

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